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Every beat in any track should be made to feel danceable

Every track on Gigi La Cruz is designed to make you feel the danceability in every beat. It’s all about capturing the essence of the rhythm and creating an irresistible energy that will keep you moving all night long. With a unique blend of sounds and styles, Gigi La Cruz brings a captivating experience to the dance floor. Get ready to lose yourself in the pulsating beats and let the music take control. Join us on this unforgettable journey where every track is a masterpiece that will make your body move and your heart groove. Let Gigi La Cruz be your guide to the ultimate dance experience.





Gigi La Cruz, a Dutch female DJ and producer born and raised in a small town near Eindhoven, discovered her passion for music at her first outdoor festival. With regular visits to indoor and outdoor festivals, she became captivated by techhouse and techno, but always had a desire to go beyond being a listener. In September 2019, Gigi took matters into her own hands and bought a small DJ turntable, starting her journey as a DJ by playing for her family and friends. Encouraged by their positive feedback, she created demos of her techhouse and techno mixes and sent them to festival organizers. In December 2019, she received her first gig announcement for a large indoor event, which was scheduled to take place on April 4th, 2020. Gigi’s talent as a DJ was further recognized when she surprised the crowd at a private New Year’s Eve party, earning her a booking for the next edition and the opportunity to close the party. With her fresh and sometimes deep sound, Gigi knows how to connect with the audience and make them feel the music. She believes that every beat in a track should be danceable, creating an unforgettable experience for all.


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